Testimonials from clients getting in the flow!

Gail Z.

Gail Z.

I used Pamela's services to work through mental blocks I was having around growing my business. Her ability to quickly zero in with laser-like focus on troubling issues is uncanny. She definitely has the gift of insight.

Pamela helped me see that some issues I experienced in my 20's were, 35 years later, still affecting my perception of my abilities. While I thought I had overcome these, now that I was embarking on a new business endeavor with more uncertainty, those issues resurfaced. I had never truly dealt with them and they were buried in my subconscious mind. Pamela uncovered them, cleared them and now, four months later, I give those issues little thought. And, I am rapidly growing my business!

- Tani C

- Tani C

I was job hunting in earnest and felt both frustrated and stuck. In my session with Pamela we uncovered several unexpected energy blockages which upon clearing I felt one physically leave my body!

The NEXT business day I had several new job opportunities appear from nowhere. One company even created a more senior position for me than they were seeking. Within 3 weeks I received a fantastic job offer with a title I had been chasing for 3 years!

- Jen W and Klink

- Jen W and Klink

I've known Pamela for almost 20 years and she’s always loved animals. When she left the corporate world to pursue her healing talents I was first in line, with my dog Klink. I was amazed how quickly Klink warmed up to Pamela to the point of sitting in her lap. (He only does that with me and my mom.) It's clear he trusts her. Animals have wonderful instincts. Klink has Lyme, Cushings, bladder stones and his kidneys are very swollen. Pamela’s services are a key part of his care. She’s performed Reiki on Klink and completely reduced the swelling in his kidneys. She's done Emotion Code clearings to help correct behavior issues as well address symptoms of physical issues. I always consult with Pamela as part of his overall care. It’s also been great information for his DVM.

After years of experiencing many different types of therapy and modalities, I feel Pamela’s sessions leveraging the Emotion Code are by far the quickest, simplest, most effective way to get to the heart of the matter and identify blockages. Blockages I wasn’t even consciously aware I had. Once identified they were easily released physically and emotionally paving the way for positive break-thrus and momentum in my life especially health and wealth.

- Greg D.

- Greg D.